
Hazy days

with picnics and tennis


The days get longer, the sunshine warmer, nature’s colours more vibrant and England’s produce grows ever more extensive. From June we enjoy sweet summer fruits as raspberries and strawberries are ready just in time for Wimbledon.

By July the green beans, English vegetables, English salads are in abundant supply alongside locally grown bunched carrots, potatoes and soft fruits.  By August, there are delicious plums ripe for the taking.

The Deli is brimming with homemade produce such as quiches, pasta salads, Greek salads and Italian salads. Perfect picnic products are available in the form of locally baked pork pies, home-cooked meats, chilled dips, cheeses and crackers.

With so much to work with, the Butchery creates an exceptional broad range of succulent sausages, burgers and kebabs in their BBQ range.

Summer cut flowers such as delphiniums and dahlias look fabulous in the hand-tied bouquets.

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