Tomahawk Steak Feast
Tomahawk steak feast
25oz Tomahawk steak
Chipped potatoes
Tomatoes on the vine
Mixed vegetables
Flat mushrooms
1. Bring the Tomahawk steak to room temperature
2. Chip the potatoes and blanche at 150c until soft and leave to cool
3. Follow the guidelines below depending on how you like your steak cooked (these are approximate guidelines);
Sear in pan Oven roast at 230c Resting time Total cooking time approx
Rare – 8-10 mins 22-24 mins 10 mins 40 mins
Medium – 8-10 mins 30-32 mins 10 mins 50 mins
Well done 8-10 mins 36-38 mins 10 mins 55 mins
BBQ rare Cook 1st side Cook 2nd side
well done 10-15 mins 5-10 mins 10-20 mins 25-45 mins
When the steak is cooked to your liking, use the press test or meat thermometer to check if cooked
Leave in a warm place to rest, allowing the meat to relax and become moist and tender all the way through.
4. Re-fry the chips at 170c in a deep fat fryer
5. Boil your chosen seasonal vegetables
Serve the steak by holding the bone with one hand and slice along its length to cleave the meat from the bone.